She is who she is

It happened suddenly. Everything around her paused as if the world was standing still for just a moment.
 She realized that no matter what happened in the past is not necessary for her future. 

No matter what happened then will not make bitter. Not now or ever. Her sensitivity is a gift. 

She has earned it and all those awful moments were preparing her for this – this very moment. 

Even though every thing has changed, it hasn’t changed her.  It made her into the person she is today. 

You may love her, like her, dislike her, tolerate her, or loathe her. It doesn’t matter. 

She is who she is and she is damn proud of that. 

Her only regret is that she hadn’t embraced herself sooner.  

Conforming to society is one of the most dangerous things you can do. You are giving up your voice, your right to express your opinion. 

Never dull yourself to comfort another person. 


3 thoughts on “She is who she is

  1. My two furry friends and myself over at the “Gilmours Nice Place” blog couldn´t have said it any better. What true words of wisdom you write.
    Mr Midnight says that although often difficult for humans (he himself is a cat!) being oneself is the true recipe for a chance of happiness and satisfaction in this world. Sir Winston adds that obviously, one must have first discovered ones true identity which from his observations, appears to be rather difficult in a human beings superficial, fast-paced lifestyle.
    Meow, purr purr and kind regards from myself. 🙂
    p.s. Keep up the good stuff!


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